All CPU Meter

All CPU Meter

Utilities & Tools
All CPU Meter All CPU Meter
Utilities & Tools
Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista
121 289

The description of All CPU Meter

For those seeking a detailed understanding of their computer's performance, All CPU Meter is a highly sought-after desktop gadget. It provides real-time updates on processor usage for up to 24 cores, RAM usage, CPU frequency, and even the processor brand, be it Intel or AMD. More than just a simple display, it offers a plethora of information upon expanding the gadget, including details about the processor, operating system, baseboard, BIOS, and computer system. Its customizability is a standout feature, enabling users to adjust the size, color scheme for background, text, bars, and graphs, as well as the refresh rate.

What can All CPU Meter be used for?

All CPU Meter is designed to give users a comprehensive overview of their system's performance. It's particularly useful for monitoring the load on the CPU during intense tasks, such as gaming, video editing, or running multiple applications simultaneously. By keeping an eye on RAM usage, users can also determine when they might need to close programs or manage resources more efficiently. Additionally, it serves as a quick reference for system information which can be helpful for troubleshooting or system upgrades.

All CPU Meter Tricks & Tips

To get the most out of All CPU Meter, users can customize the gadget's settings to best suit their needs. For example, setting a higher refresh rate can provide more up-to-date information, which can be crucial when performing tasks that heavily tax the CPU. Users can also resize the gadget to fit neatly on their desktop without obstructing other applications. Experimenting with different color schemes can make the display more readable at a glance, depending on the desktop wallpaper or personal preferences.

Benefits & Features

  • Real-time CPU and RAM usage monitoring
  • Support for multiple cores up to 24
  • Detailed system information display including OS, motherboard, and BIOS
  • Customizable interface with adjustable size, colors, and refresh rates
  • User-friendly and easy to install
  • Helpful for diagnosing system bottlenecks and performance issues


  • Enhances system monitoring with detailed metrics
  • Highly customizable to fit personal aesthetics and needs
  • Conveniently free and easy to access
  • Can assist with optimizing system performance


  • Requires sidebar gadgets feature, which is not natively supported in later Windows versions
  • Could be considered redundant with built-in task manager functions
  • May use up additional system resources

All CPU Meter stands out as a must-have gadget for those who love to keep tabs on their PC's performance. Its extensive customization options and detailed system insights make it a valuable tool for both casual users and tech enthusiasts. While the gadget may require additional resources and may not be supported natively on all Windows platforms, its benefits often outweigh these considerations for many users.


Is All CPU Meter compatible with all versions of Windows?
While All CPU Meter was originally designed for Windows Vista and Windows 7, newer versions of Windows may require additional steps or software to enable desktop gadgets.

Does All CPU Meter consume a lot of system resources?
The gadget is designed to be lightweight, but the actual resource usage can vary based on the refresh rate and other settings configured by the user.

Can I monitor more than one processor with All CPU Meter?
Yes, All CPU Meter supports multi-core processors and can display information for up to 24 cores, making it suitable for high-performance and multi-processor systems.

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