ibis Paint X

ibis Paint X

Art & Design
ibis inc.
ibis Paint X ibis Paint X
Art & Design
ibis inc.

ibis Paint X Review

ibis Paint X stands as a popular mobile app designed for artists and enthusiasts who take delight in creating digital art, especially anime and manga illustrations. With its user-friendly interface and extensive features, it has garnered attention and praise from the digital art community.

What are the purposes of using the ibis Paint X app

The primary aim of ibis Paint X is to provide a comprehensive and accessible platform for artists to create and share their work. Whether you're a beginner looking to explore the basics of digital drawing or a seasoned professional crafting detailed artwork, the app serves as a versatile tool for learning, creating, and improving digital art skills. Additionally, it offers a social aspect where artists can share their processes and learn from each other through the app's community features.

What does the ibis Paint X app provide?

ibis Paint X comes packed with a plethora of tools and features tailored to enhance the digital drawing experience. It boasts a vast collection of brushes, including dip pens, felt tip pens, digital pens, airbrushes, and more, each with adjustable parameters to suit different styles and techniques. The app also provides layer functionality, allowing for intricate compositions and easy edits. Other notable offerings include various blending modes, stroke stabilization, and a robust undo/redo system.

Benefits & Features

  • Highly customizable brushes with over 2,500 available
  • Advanced layering system with various blend modes
  • Smooth drawing at up to 60 fps for a natural experience
  • Stroke stabilization feature for cleaner lines
  • Clip Studio Paint compatibility for brush and texture import
  • Recording drawing processes as videos
  • SNS feature where users can learn from watching others’ drawing processes
  • Community engagement through artwork sharing and comments

Embracing ibis Paint X propels your artistic journey forward, letting you experiment with a range of tools and share your creations with an inspired community.


  • Intuitive interface suitable for all skill levels
  • Extensive brush library catering to various art styles
  • Useful features like layering and stroke stabilization for professional results
  • Active community for sharing and learning
  • Regular updates with new tools and improvements


  • Some advanced features locked behind a paywall
  • May have a steep learning curve for complete beginners
  • Performance can vary depending on the device

ibis Paint X is a robust and engaging digital art app that caters to artists of all levels seeking to create manga and anime art. With its extensive brush selection and community features, it's a great choice for those looking to dive into digital art or enhance their current practice. While there are some limitations and costs for premium features, the app still stands out as a top choice for digital artists.

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